This entire blog was born out of love, physical and spiritual, emotional & durable, tried & true. A love for a sister, a mother, a child, a confidant, an artist and entertainer, a lunch lady, a crazy midnight dancer, a jewelry maker & doll collector, a Gramma, a good old fashioned hippie spirit, a wife and every other fiber of Kimbies being.
It's born out of a love for yesterday and a love for tomorrow and a love for today. It's born out of Kim's Hand-Me-Down Levi's...So no Pink Ribbons Please. They are not in the fiber of who Kim is.
But please do post ALL OTHER tokens of love...words, wishes, pictures, photos, thoughts, ideas, dreams, fears, notions and magical potions...not just for Kim, but for the fibers she represents in all women.
Postings/Pics can be emailed directly to KimsHandMeDownLevis@Hotmail.com.
Comments to any postings can be added by anyone, by simply clicking on the small bottom word 'comment.' Peace &Love
This site is stubborn, as we all often are, so if you have trouble bringing up posts, please just hit the REFRESH button. Seems to work out the kinks!
God bless you and your world, and the world around you. Prayers and wishes
Thank you ....Love Grows...and Grows ... and Grows. Prayers & Wishes, Peace & Love to You.
Thank you, prayers grow, love grows, our circle grows. peace, love, and may the circle be never ending
I found you in the night and lurked here, watching love and feeling like a peeping Tom and then woke up and realized there is a reason for everything, and that you've touched my life without ever knowing it. And wanted to let you know. Hoping peace and health
And you, sweet Badri, are FAMILY. Always have been from that first fateful hello! God bless all that you are, all that you do, all that you have been and all that are blessed by YOUR PRESENCE! Your prayers and support bring giant comfort to ALL of us. We LOVE you!
Kim must be very special, with this outpouring from everyone. I don't know her, but I'd like to pour some of my own affections her way. May she be as blessed with health, as she is love, friends & family. Godspeed!
Like the thousands of threads in a pair of jeans, Kim's touch intertwines in everyone she meets. You are instantly a part of her life welcomed with open heart and spirit. Like a pair of your favorite jeans you are immediately comfortable with her and her with you. I am blessed to be a part of her life and sisterhood. Love You
For Kim: I have become aware of your sisters on these blogs, and have bought art from SAS and shared wonderful things with both of them. You are blessed to have sisters who love you so. I just want you to know my heart is with you, and it is a really strong, healthy and knowledgable heart. I have fought under the turret of the pink ribbon before it existed. I won my war and for that I have become a different person. I have a connection to a very close friend that I have been talking with daily about you, since I met your two sisters and connected to your reality through them. I am daily asking for a favor in your name. I am sending you a very large dose of hope, healing, well being and many many many more tomorrows. I know where you stand and I know my words are a bit empty, but this is cyberspace and I am connecting to you and sending so much love, peace, serenity, compassion, hope, and blessings. A piece on me is right there in the pocked of your well worn levis. Levis are of no value until they are worn for a long time. ((((KIM)))))
Where and how do you thank everyone, it is such a simple word, not many letters but filled with heart and soul. So to all of ya'll I thank each and everyone one of ya'll. I am done with my first round of chemo,and moving on to the next! The first round of this new toxic chemical has left me in much better shape. I am so thankful for that! My children do not gaze at me with that doe in head lights look. They smile and laugh and are normal again! My body has allowed my mind to sleep for the last 3 nights, much needed sleep! We are listening to music,we have the windows open and enjoying the sound of rain, wind and great music. I can not wait to dance one of our favorite hobbies, all by ourselves or with a houseful. Nothing better than a good record player and all your old albums. Soon yes soon!! I will forget once again my true age and just be the age I feel, have fun,laugh till we cry and start laughing again,dance,dance,and sing, singing straight from your heart and soul, which is always better than having a great voice!! I look forward to this fun and know it is just around the corner. May we all be surrounded with wonderful hugs, smiles, laughter,wind in our hair, sand on our feet,ocean waves, and fried okra!!! love to all!!!!!
(((Anonymous))) Bear Hugs To All!
I am crying, I love you so much, all of you...so many beautiful, strong, spirited & loving souls, so inter-connected in ways known & yet to be discovered. Everyday heros.
I am so blessed to have Kimbies, as my sister. I've learned so much from her & still, continue to learn. i have always said, beleived & felt life is for Living, Learning & Loving... She, like everyone else here, but more personal to me, Kimbies & SAS, have helped me do those things in life.
Fried Okra, Sun on the nose & sand between the toes, the music of our souls & the seventies will see us all together dancing under the moon before we know it.
Today I cried also. One of my favorite delivery boys came in. I had not seen him since May. He started last year,was the new kid was just learning his way. He wore a smile that was not plastered there but came from his soul and spilled into his eyes, and made his skin glow. He was always polite,respectful,and just pure sweetness, you could tell his mama had raised him with total respect,love, and understanding, a true quality hard to find these days. On days when he was having a hard time,{the mommy in me coming out} I would sneak him a homeade cookie in his front pocket and tell him no need to cry over spilt milk, we would laugh. So here I am back at work when Jonathan comes, we chat for just a few minutes,his eyes filled with love, and compassion. His heart broke for a moment and then with a understanding look he begins to talk he tells me how hard it is for people to understand chemo and what your body goes thruogh unless you live it. Via a friend family member or yourself. Then we talked, he is 4 years cancer free!!!! Just a baby, so very young so very sweet. So today I cried, I cried for him ,for his mother, for his 4 years free. I cried for the pure sweetness that spreads from him and I know was there long before that nasty cancer invaded his body. A contagious smile,a warm heart, and a very deep soul. May we all smile from our heart and soul, and pass it on to everyone we see!!!!!
I am happy to hear you are in the good time. As the song says "I hope you dance".
And for those of you who don't know, dear sweet anonymous above, is an elementry school lunch lady, a mother, a lover, a fighter, a wife, a daughter, a supporter, a listener, a keeper of secrets... she is our Dear Sweet Kimbies.
Love Grows & Grows & Grows!
It knows no race, no boundaries of time or space & it grows more feverishly than the dreaded C could ever dream of.
Here's four cheers to four more years!
You know I don't really know where exactly I am supposed to leave this but I know that my mom will find it and put it where is supposed to be. I have put off writing on here for a while now and not because I didn't want to because lord knows every fiber of my soul wishes I had the right words to express how much my Aunt means to me. I have thought and thought and there are no words or sayings that are fully appropriate. I have been truly blessed to have been brought into a family whose foundation lay on the shoulders of strong women. Every day my mom, my aunts, my sister, my cousins and my grandmother put me in awe of them. They are the strongest people I know by far, far stronger than I could ever hope to be. They keep me alive with their spirits and even though numerous times I have said "I'm not like you guys" to them I know in my heart that I am, strong enough to overcome obstacles no matter how substantial they may be. My aunt is beautiful and has the heart of the most cherished angel. She is my confidant on many subjects and my inspiration on even more. All I know to say is that I love you Aunt Kim...you are truly one of the bravest people that I know. You could have crumbled, you could have given up, you could have taken the easy way out but you never hesitated for a moment. Faced with conflict you have chosen to fight and win, and an endless stream of thank yous would not be sufficient for you for making that decision. I love you with everything is me and want you to know that I truly am in awe.
I've come here and wanted to leave a message to Haley. Days have passed and I've come each day, reading and re-reading. I think all I can say is Kim is blessed to have your love.
Gosh, Maryellen, you are so right! I keep re-reading her words because I can actually hear her voice & the sincerity. It's a circle, a circle of love. Kim is so blessed with affection, because Kim has blessed others so much.
Your hand-me-down levis fit perfect! She's thrilled to have her newest old jeans from "she's family now!" Thank you darling!
reading this blog and those of your sisters, i am overwhelmed with the sheer MAGIC of your lives together. to have grown up with such fierce attachments and to have them sustain you through the harshest of days... is just perfect beauty. it's what life is ultimately about. we can't escape the darkness but it is that quality of pure LOVE that holds it all together. that makes every moment precious and memory making. your lives, your sorrows and joys- all bearable because of love. i wish i had a cadre of sisters. i'm so happy that you all do. you're all beautiful truly- inside and out.
peace and love and a fighting spirit always,
It was just a whim, but I should have known. I am not sure why I gravitated to this book but I did. Held on to it, then bought it, it is not a new york best seller or an oprah book. But it is a southern living book of the month. what is that I really dont know. I could not wait to start ready! I told everyone I have a new book, I should have known. I began reading as soon as I got home, snug and comfy with my book and my mind at ease. I should have known, I can now see how it would have been on her night stand, on the couch next to her. Yes I should have known that Nadine has selected this book for me. She said so in chapter 9 and then later they all played in the creek in the back of the O'Connors inchapter 12. I should have known.
Yes, of course, those fateful blue eyes....
and ummm, still in charge!
Kimbies needs a password!
Hey Kimbies, it's late and I won't call you, but I want to tell you that I Love You!
Oh Kim...Thank-you so much Sweetie for stopping by my blog...and leaving your kind comment...and May God Bless you always in so many ways Sweetie...I say a rosary every single day....and I have included you as one of my special people included in my prayers for healing...I know what it's like to be bald!!!! I had a brain tumor (I was diagnosed with that little puppy 2 weeks after my Mom died)...I did survive brain surgery...and every year I go see the neurosurgeon for my yearly MRI...so far....no recurrence! Of course I had no hair....and I have always had long blonde hair...but ya know...not having that hair was so liberating....there was a kind of pure freedom in it....(until some freak of a man made fun of me in the grocery store...and I burst into tears)...my son went back down there in a rage to beat him up..but they banned him from that store...anyway...that's a whole another story and I will tell you all about it sometime)...oh! another thing..my hair grew back so beautiful and healthy....I'm going on and on here Sweetie...I just wanted you to know how special you and your wonderful sisters are.....I have 2 sisters also....I'm the oldest. My cousin is Maryellen....I'm sending you TONS of good ole' hippie vibes....along with so much LOVE!!!! YOU ROCK KIMBIES!!!!!
Thank you Vicci. From our hearts. It is the survivor stories that fuel the survivors. And yours honestly has had me in tears. Streaming.The world gets smaller every day, and the circle tighter.
Kimbies has never worn her wig, preferring to don her hippesque --same -ole -bandana -we- used -to- wear -in -9th -grade bandana and she is BEAUTIFUL,always has been, always will be, a survivor in the makings! Pacing, ready to rock and roll!
I am just learning and trying to figure out everything... all I know is that it has moved me to tears... I feel so much love between all of you. I now see there is so much more to the comment singleton left on one of my posts.... "Love grows & grows & grows."
I feel blessed to have entered here.
Thank You ~
love and ((((hugs)))
I love you and feel like I've known you forever. You have the best family I know. You brighten my Day each time I see you just as Singleton does. You guys are the best of the best. I wish I had met you all so many years earlier. Thank you for welcoming me into your lives and home. It's an experience I will never forget.
angela and sweet anon....
may the circle be unbroken....
I love you Aunt Kim. I just love you. I don't know what else to say. I just love you. I can't wait to be home and be back with my family.
Kimmm! I cannot wait to see you seadise!
I have to wish you the best recovery and love. Your friends showed me that I am in love with the four winds, the sun, the moon, and stars. I wsh all that love to lift you to high place
I have just found this blog. And am without words. i an a survivor, 10 yrs now, and feel the heat.
Kimmy and all her friends, be brave, it's not complete. the power of the healing mind is undiscovered. With love and prayer, and strong belief we will still be here tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.
we are survivors. We are winning!
eric....your wishes are working! peace~love from all of us in Kimbies world
wreckless....God, we love that word, that title, that tiara....SURVIVOR! And the circle that is growing... strong people, healing thoughts, love....Wishing you peace and prayer and winning, winning, winning.....May we all celebrate again, and again, and again! Peace and love and tomorrows......
Sending you love, sending you light, sending you the peace and joy you so richly deserve.
The sun is high in the sky here, the sky a pale powder blue, the flowers are blooming and it is spring again.
Sending it all your way,
With love and blessings, Maithri.
Remember how beautiful you are. Everyone knows it, and everyone rallies around you like you do for them.
and continue to let the love and blessings go and grow!
Peace out!
Maithri and Eric....
Your good tidings are growing, the sun is shining, and she shines on everyone and everything that happenschances her way. "She is the love" someone told me recently! Thank you all for your blessings and prayers and light.
Love grows!
OH Maithri and Eric, I am feeling those wonderful love vibes! had a great weekend!! off to the butterfly house with my youngest daughter and grand daughter, what a joy, dancing on friday night with sister sing, relaxing in the french garden on sunday!! wow it is all great!! love kimbie
Pink is a color of strength and passion. You have both.
Thank you for the strength you give us all.
Just a few more wishes~these ones are on wings!
Yeah, it's me, Eric, in a vehicle hand drawn by Sing herself. Hopeing that you're doing well. You know you're always on Singleton's beach, running with her into the waves.
Just wanted to say hello to you on behalf of the Butterfly Bar.
Peace and love!
you are the color of strength! Thank you sweet friend!
Eric....She hears you knockin' babe, and feels the love....Thank you!
Adding my prayers and energizing love and light for your sister's complete healing and well being. Love and Peace, Sunny
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