Monday, September 18, 2006

High Times

September 18, 2006
Second round of Chemo is magic stuff! Kimbies is doing wonderful! Has had two doses of the dreadful stuff already and her reaction to this potion is.....Have a beer, a baked potatoe, a steak, some sea scallops, turn the music on and dance! We are Lovin' Life and Livin' your prayers!


Anonymous said...

Oh I cannot thank everyone enough for all the love and support, I am doing wonderful! Ready to kick this right out of my world!!!! thank you all, may peace and love surround us all!

skinnylittleblonde said...

Kimbies~ I just KNOW & BELEIVE that you are kicking this right out of the world!
I know it. I love you!

Anonymous said...

SLB, I had a wonderful weekend, company on saturday with great food!!!! Early to bed, early to rise I was up at 330 for the day oh well!!! relaxing on sunday dreaming about next summer!!! cant wait!!! I love you!!!!

singleton said...

i'm there! dancing, singing, laughing, drinking bloody Marys, kissing the sunset good-bye, saying hello to the sunrise, with sun on my nose and sand on my toes...We're there!

skinnylittleblonde said...

Next summer...I can't wait. I want to canoe, too. We have one that we have only taken to the lake. We can strap it to the rack on the truck, over the hibatchi & 3 coolers (lol) and come one down!
In the meantime, I look forward to Christmas and the coming of our latest bit of physical evidence that Love Does Grow!

skinnylittleblonde said...

I know the chemo gives Dear Kimbies highs that keep her up into the wee hours of the night. And now that my power is back up, for the moment, and its' reaching late night/early morning...I wish I was there. It's quiet & I would like to just sit in peace with my sister. If only my physical energy could travel through these internet lines or cables or whatever, I'd be right there.
Kimbies~ I love you. Regardless of the cancer & the chemo, I've always had after-midnight cravings for you & Tamalama. It's too late to call ...
but never too late to say I love you & miss you & can't wait to see you again.